Identification of the Services in Four Integral Managerial Base Units of Technical Services

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Manuel Fernández-Sánchez


Integral Managerial Base Units of Technical Services (UEBIST) were created with the purpose of lending a wide range of services to the units of production of agricultural companies, to individual farmers and to the different agricultural entities existing in the municipalities. However, all necessary conditions that allow them to fulfill this purpose, have not been created yet due to different
causes. Starting from this problem, the present work has as objective to identify the main services lent by four UEBIST located in the counties Artemisa, Pinar del Rio, Holguín and Granma and the limitations that prevent them, at present time, to enlarge the range of services. As a result, it was determined that services of soil farming constitute today the main activity and source of revenues in these UEBIST. They show levels of execution of the 74.44, 58.46 and 52.38%, respectively, except the UEBIST of the Agricultural Company
Manuel Sanguily, where 40.13% was reached, due to the insufficient availability of agricultural machines to carry out these activities and its faulty state of work capacity. Other important services as machine maintenance and repair represented 5.26, 18.67, 13.50 and 10.22% in the units studied and that indicates a low level, due to the faulty state of the production resources, to technical and organizational problems and to the shortage of material resources.

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How to Cite
Fernández-Sánchez, M. (2017). Identification of the Services in Four Integral Managerial Base Units of Technical Services. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 26(3), 84–93. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Manuel Fernández-Sánchez, Instituto de Investigaciones de Ingeniería Agrícola

Dr.C, Inv. Auxiliar


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