Mechanization of Rice Cultivation in Charapotó Parish, Sucre Canton, Province of Manabí, Ecuador

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Liudmyla Shkiliova
Alfredo Carvajal Rivadeneira
Edwin Bermúdez Demera
Junior Mendoza Zambrano


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most consumed cereals in Ecuador and is considered a fundamental and highly important food for the Ecuadorian population. The objective of this work was to diagnose the state of agricultural mechanization in rice production in Charapotó Parish, Sucre Canton from Manabí Province, Ecuador. The survey technique was used for data collection, applied to 190 rice producers from 13 parish enclosures, as well as an interview carried out to 100% of the owners of the rental machinery. It was identified that 62% of the surveyed producers cultivate rice in 1 ha, 34% in 2-5 ha and 4% in 6-10 ha. For soil preparation, 100% use rental tractors (5 in total) with their respective implements. Another mechanized operation is the harvest, where 100% of the producers also rent the harvesters, for the rest of the work the machinery is not used. In the composition of production costs, machinery rental corresponds to 5-6%, which is the highest input cost of all, representing 48-57% of average direct costs.

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How to Cite
Shkiliova, L., Carvajal Rivadeneira, A., Bermúdez Demera, E., & Mendoza Zambrano, J. (2023). Mechanization of Rice Cultivation in Charapotó Parish, Sucre Canton, Province of Manabí, Ecuador. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(3), Retrieved from
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