The Base Cutter of Sugarcane Harvesters: Characteristics, Importance, Problems and Conditioning Factors

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Leandro Verdecia-Moya
Roberto Andrés Estrada-Cingualbares
Hécto Calzadilla Dubrás
Juan Rafael Pérez Pupo
Carlos Manuel Ricardo Aballes


A review of specialized literature has been carried out to determine the main characteristics and importance of the base cutter of sugarcane harvesters. This mechanism is of vital importance for the correct cutting of the cane, hence developing an efficient base cutter and finding a reasonable base-cutting mode is key to successful mechanical harvesting. Various kinematic and construction parameters, such as cutting speed, oblique blade angle, cutting disc pitch angle and blade shape, influence the performance of base cutters. As a result of the investigation, the insufficient number of investigations focused on the impact cutting systems receive from dissimilar objects found in the ground was verified. On the other hand, abrasive wear is the main phenomenon that threatens the durability of the cutting segment, as well as the morphological and physiological characteristics of the cane, the correct preparation of the soils, the damages caused by the bad manipulation of the mechanism in the cutting process and the working speed.

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How to Cite
Verdecia-Moya, L., Estrada-Cingualbares, R. A., Calzadilla Dubrás, H., Pérez Pupo, J. R., & Ricardo Aballes, C. M. (2023). The Base Cutter of Sugarcane Harvesters: Characteristics, Importance, Problems and Conditioning Factors. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Retrieved from


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