Influence of the Forward Speed in the Cutting Forces of a Vibrating Subsoiler

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Luis Orlando Marín Cabrera
Armando Eloy García de la Figal Costales
Arturo Martínez Rodríguez


In the present work, it is analyzed the behavior of the cutting forces (draft force and vertical force)of a vibrating subsoiler tilling a silt loam soil (ferralitic), by a soil-tillage interaction simulation model, developed applying the Finite Element Model and using the elastoplastic Drucker-Prager constitutive model and Solid Works design software. The soil parameters and properties required for simulation, the boundary conditions and acting loads were assigned to model and the meshing of the model was realized. Several running of the model were also realized for four forward speeds (0 ms-1; 0, 4 ms-1; 0, 8 ms-1 and 1, 2 ms-1). The results showed the quadratic behavior of both forces with the increasing of forward speed.

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How to Cite
Marín Cabrera, L. O., García de la Figal Costales, A. E., & Martínez Rodríguez, A. (2023). Influence of the Forward Speed in the Cutting Forces of a Vibrating Subsoiler. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Retrieved from
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