Software Engineering for a Mini-PFAL (Plant Factory with Artificial Lighting) with IoT Interconnectivity

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Luis Tonatiuh Castellanos Serrano
María Victoria Gómez-Águila
Fernando Salinas Paniagua
José Alfredo Castellanos Suárez
Arturo Martínez Rodríguez


Software engineering is a systematic approach that allows traceability of programming-oriented projects in the multiple paradigms that can be written, thus allowing the orderly planning of information flows and algorithms to reach the desired result through of the implementation of a robust and systematic methodology. On the other hand, the Indoor trend is a technological concept that has evolved with the entry of the 21st century, with the aim of promoting urban, peri-urban and rural agriculture. This concept creates agriculture anywhere from a department to a greenhouse. The present work presents the results of a research in software engineering referred to the design of a mini-PFAL, technified with multiple layers of software for the control of growth parameters in experimental lettuce crops, such as light intensity, temperature, humidity, light spectrum frequency, irrigation control, etc. The design strategies for the creation of the software architecture at its different levels are described, applying the software design methodology. The structure of the design process is ordered from the requirements analysis to the interface design, with them the final product reported is a PFAL IoT system that is interconnected via Bluetooth and WiFi with the SmartPhone, in turn via USB port to a GUI Visual Studio application, having a WareHouse data that administrates the information of the variables in a local database which manages the information on a SharePoint page that in turn, links with Access, having a Dashboard to directly control crop growth remotely, thus having an intelligent PFAL system for growing vegetable crops in vertical format.

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How to Cite
Castellanos Serrano, L. T., Gómez-Águila, M. V., Salinas Paniagua, F., Castellanos Suárez, J. A., & Martínez Rodríguez, A. (2022). Software Engineering for a Mini-PFAL (Plant Factory with Artificial Lighting) with IoT Interconnectivity. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(3). Retrieved from
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