Main Design Parameters of a Vermicompost Screening Machine

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María Victoria Gómez-Águila
Luis Tonatiuh Castellanos-Serrano
Luis Arturo Soriano-Avendaño
José Alfredo Castellanos Suárez
Josué Vicente Cervantes-Bazán
Marcelino Aurelio Pérez-Vivar
Ramiro Chávez-Mota


In Mexico, there is an ecological deterioration caused in part by the inadequate management of natural resources. In order to collaborate in the reduction of this ecological deterioration in the soils and the environment, the objective of the work was to design an accessible vermicompost screening machine that is adaptable to the needs and requirements of small producers of this organic fertilizer in the country, so the calculation was made for the design of the main systems of the machine that are the fertilizer dosing system, the screening system and the power transmission system, developing the deployment of the QFD quality function that allows considering the demands and requirements to be satisfied, in the generation and selection of concepts and / or proposals for design, thereby improving the quality of the design. A vermicompost screening machine was designed which will make it possible to speed up and improve the working conditions in the production of this compost, thus obtaining a production of screened compost greater than that achieved manually.

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How to Cite
Gómez-Águila, M. V., Castellanos-Serrano, L. T., Soriano-Avendaño, L. A., Castellanos Suárez, J. A., Cervantes-Bazán, J. V., Pérez-Vivar, M. A., & Chávez-Mota, R. (2022). Main Design Parameters of a Vermicompost Screening Machine. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(1). Retrieved from
Technical Note


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