Fundamentals, Problems and Repercussions of the Base Cutting Process in the Mechanized Harvest of Sugarcane

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Rigoberto Antonio Pérez-Reyes
Lázaro Antonio Daquinta-Gradaille
Jorge Douglas Bonilla-Rocha
Carlos Alexander Recarey-Morfa
Omar Hilario Rodríguez-Aguilar
Julio Águila-Gómez


The new technologies introduced in the mechanized harvesting of sugarcane favor increased productivity, however, the increase in the useful life of the working organs of agricultural machines continues to be an important aspect to consider for their better performance where abrasive wear is identified as the physical phenomenon present in its different elements that most threatens its effective operation. In this paper, the theoretical foundations of the sugarcane base cutting process and the factors to be considered in the analysis of the cane base-cutter blade interaction are addressed. The impact of the field conditions, the process parameters and the handling and assembly of the cutter-blade on the quality and efficiency of mechanized harvesting are also analyzed.

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Pérez-Reyes, R. A., Daquinta-Gradaille, L. A., Bonilla-Rocha, J. D., Recarey-Morfa, C. A., Rodríguez-Aguilar, O. H., & Águila-Gómez, J. (2022). Fundamentals, Problems and Repercussions of the Base Cutting Process in the Mechanized Harvest of Sugarcane. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(1). Retrieved from


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