Model and Software for the Parameters Calculation in Centrifugal Disk of Fertilizer Spreaders

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Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
María Victoria Gómez-Águila
Martín Soto Escobar


On an international scale, the broadcast distribution of mineral fertilizers is carried out fundamentally with the use of centrifugal disk spreaders with blades, due to their high distribution capacity and their constructional and operational simplicity. In spite of these advantages, a high demand in the correct selection of the parameters of the working process of these organs is required, to guarantee a high uniformity of fertilizer distribution in the field and consequently, the corresponding productive requisites. A model to determine the characteristics of the movement of the fertilizer particles on the spreading disk with inclined blades in relation to the radial direction is presented in this work. The analysis was carried out by obtaining the differential equation of the dynamics of a particle’s motion by applying the laws of classical Newtonian mechanics. The equations obtained from the solution of the differential equation of motion were programmed using the Mathcad software, version 2000 Professional. It allowed evaluating the model with specific data and obtaining the output speed and angle of the fertilizer based on parameters of input such as: inclination angle of blades, coefficient of friction between the fertilizer and the disk and blades material, dimensions and rotation speed of the disk and coordinates of the zone of the fertilizer fall from the mouth of the hopper.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Rodríguez, A., Gómez-Águila, M. V., & Soto Escobar, M. (2021). Model and Software for the Parameters Calculation in Centrifugal Disk of Fertilizer Spreaders. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(1). Retrieved from


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