Correlation between Density and Mechanical Resistance of Soil Obtained with Probes of Different Geometries

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Ernesto Ramos-Carbajal
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Armando E. García de la Figal-Costales
Geisy Hernández-Cuello


An important soil variable is mechanical resistance, a feature that interacts with other soil properties such as bulk density, texture, moisture content and porosity. Hence a number of experimental investigations have been conducted to obtain a probe of better correlation with volumetric density and resistance to penetration. However, so far, there is no precise information on the technical requirements for the design of probes. The objective of this scientific research was determining the type of probe that ensures the correlation levels between volumetric density and resistance to penetration under different moisture conditions for a Ferrallitic Red Lixiviate soil, typical of Cuba. To meet this objective, eight types of probes (five cone-shaped and three wedge-shaped) with different geometric dimensions were designed and an experimental design of 2x3 factorial nature was executed, setting humidity, intermediate (28%) and high (35%), and three levels of volumetric density (1; 1,1 and 1,2 g∙cm-3). As a result of the experimentation, it was obtained that the wedge-shaped prismatic probe with 30o and base area of 520 mm2, presented the highest levels of correlation with the ASAE index (R2 = 0.95) and the volumetric density (R2 = 0.84), for moisture of 28%, resulting in the most accurate geometric form for estimating soil compaction.

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How to Cite
Ramos-Carbajal, E., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., García de la Figal-Costales, A. E., & Hernández-Cuello, G. (2020). Correlation between Density and Mechanical Resistance of Soil Obtained with Probes of Different Geometries. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(3). Retrieved from
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