Combined dehydration of the pineapple for conservation

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Damisela Acea-del Sol
Angel Lazaro Sanchez-Iznaga


The objective of this work is to determine the influence of several osmotic solutions obtained through the process of combined dehydration of pineapple for its conservation, for which a methodology was developed from an experimental analysis and an evaluation of experts that made it possible to determine that The solution of Sucrose Syrup BD of all osmotic solutions (SO) better guaranteed the organoleptic properties of the fruit. Statistical analysis determined that of the three SOs that contributed most solute gains were Sucrose Syrup BD (66%), Honey B (64%) and Honey B reduced (63%) respectively, as well as the greatest weight loss for fruit slices it was from Honey C reduced (78%), Honey B and Honey A reduced by 76%. Finally, by means of a multiple linear regression analysis, it was possible to evaluate the influence of the variables (oBrix,% of Water, Temperature) of the Sacarosa BD Syrup on the weight of the fruit and obtain the model for a value of R2 of 0.75, indicating the correct fit of the model for the conditions evaluated in the study.

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How to Cite
Acea-del Sol, D., & Sanchez-Iznaga, A. L. (2020). Combined dehydration of the pineapple for conservation. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(2). Retrieved from
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