Determination of the Thermal Behavior of a Colombian Hanging Greenhouse Applying CFD Simulation

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Edwin Andrés Villagrán-Munar


In Colombia the production of flowers is carried out in different types of greenhouses with a common feature and it is the passive type of climate control. At present, the knowledge on the climatic performance of these structures is scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the thermal behavior of a suspension-type chapel greenhouse under diurnal and nocturnal climate conditions under the prevailing meteorological conditions of Bogotá savannah. The evaluation was made by numerical simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applied to a greenhouse dedicated to the production of rose (Rosa sp.). This methodological approach allowed obtaining the thermal distribution patterns inside the greenhouse. It was found that for the meteorological conditions evaluated, the greenhouse generates inadequate thermal conditions for the crop development during the night period, where the value of the temperature obtained was below the recommended minimum of 15°C. The validation of the CFD model was carried out by comparing the results of the simulations and the temperatures recorded in the real prototype of the greenhouse, obtaining an adequate degree of adjustment between the simulated and measured values and with a similar trend during the daily 24 hours.

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How to Cite
Villagrán-Munar, E. A. (2019). Determination of the Thermal Behavior of a Colombian Hanging Greenhouse Applying CFD Simulation. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(3). Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Edwin Andrés Villagrán-Munar, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Ingeniería


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