Comparative study of Aqua Traxx watering belts, self-compensating and non-compensating models

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Dayma Carmenates Hernánde


The present work was developed in areas of the Agroindustrial Company of Ceballos, Ciego de Avila, with the objective of carrying out a comparative study of two irrigation tape models, the self compensating Aqua Traxx and the non-compensating one. The tapes used were the existing models in the company, which were acquired from foreign firms that commercialize components of irrigation systems in Cuba. The samples of the irrigation tapes used were obtained from a universe of 500 issuers for each model, choosing 20 issuers of each tape model. The evaluations carried out were the determination of the hydraulic characteristics and quality of the tapes. Determination of the coefficient of variation of manufacture and of the variation of the flow. Determination of the flow-pressure curve. Determination of the variation of the flow product of the water temperature. The study showed the best quality, resistance, constancy in the variations of the flow, pressure and coefficient of variation of manufacture of the compensating Aqua Traxx tape in relation to the non-compensating one.

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How to Cite
Carmenates Hernánde, D. (2019). Comparative study of Aqua Traxx watering belts, self-compensating and non-compensating models. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(2). Retrieved from
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