Potentialities of the kiwuano (Cucumis metuliferus E.mey), for sustainable food production in cuba.

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Roberto Cuñarro Cabeza
Elaine Fito Duvergel
Idalmis Hernández Escobar
Irelio Urra Zayas
María Esther Cea
Geisy Hernández-Cuello
Farah M González Hernández
Julia Mirtha Salgado Pulido


The research was carried out on the La Ceiba farm located in the La Lisa municipality, Havana province. With the objective of studying the productive behavior of Kiwuano (CucumismetuliferusE.Mey) in winter and spring during two seasons (2021 to 2022). For the study, four plots of 60 m2 were used in both campaigns (cold and spring), the planting distance used was (1.50 m x 1m), for a density of 6666 plants per hectare, 10 plants per plot were marked for the evaluations. . The sowing was done on October 15 (cold campaign and spring June 6), the positions were produced in seedbeds and were transplanted after 30 days when they reached

a height of 9 to 12cm and 2 to 3 true leaves. The variables studied were (number of fruits per plant, equatorial diameter of the fruits, length of the fruits, fruit mass and yield in tons per hectare), in addition the quality of the fruit was evaluated. The results show that spring sowing increases yields by 68% compared to winter sowing. The physical - chemical evaluations are in correspondence with the sensory analyzes with the overall quality being good, the fruit was evaluated by consumers as the last link in the productive chain, the values ​​of mass loss due to physiological activity were low and the fruits maintained their firmness. showing good quality during shelf life.

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How to Cite
Cuñarro Cabeza, R., Fito Duvergel, E., Hernández Escobar, I., Urra Zayas, I., Esther Cea, M., Hernández-Cuello, G., González Hernández, F. M., & Salgado Pulido, J. M. (2024). Potentialities of the kiwuano (Cucumis metuliferus E.mey), for sustainable food production in cuba. Anuario Ciencia En La UNAH, 22. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/cu/article/view/1986
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