Rural women rice growers and their economic contribution in the colombian humid caribbean region

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Enrique Saavedra De Castro
Laura Otero Guerra
Nabi Pérez Vásquez


Rural women face challenges and inequalities in relation to access to resources, land, education and economic opportunities, as well as the recognition and appreciation of their role in the rural economy. Hence, it is essential to promote gender equality for sustainable development in rural communities. In this sense, the present study was carried out with the purpose of identifying the economic contribution of women rice producers in the Colombian Humid Caribbean, supporting research in a mixed method with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The rice farmer woman showed that she was resilient in the face of fortuitous situations; 74.3% of the women surveyed contribute half or all of their economic earnings; they make decisions at home and in their rice farming activity in the same way as men; The deficient support of the financial sector in this union is also evident. The roots that women farmers have for the land were confirmed; in this way, they are responsible, to a large extent, for the production of rice, contributing to the food security of their homes and a better quality of life.

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How to Cite
Saavedra De Castro, E., Otero Guerra, L., & Pérez Vásquez, N. (2023). Rural women rice growers and their economic contribution in the colombian humid caribbean region. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 10(3), Retrieved from
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