Psychological evaluation of the elderly: essential process in the professional practice of the Comprehensive General Physician

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María Senia García Ramos
Mary Leidys Alfonso Gil


This article explored the impact that migration has as a paranormative crisis due to family dismemberment in the life of older adults, and how the psychological evaluation of perceptions of their family relationships is of great importance in contributing to their well-being. The research was carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Mayabeque and the Center for Higher Education Studies of the Agrarian University of Havana. Its objective was to diagnose the level of knowledge and skills that Comprehensive General Physicians possess to carry out the psychological evaluation of the perception of family relationships of this population group. The study revealed that the limited application of psychological methods does not allow the psychological care needs of older adults to be adequately identified. It also demonstrated that, although Comprehensive General Physicians lack the knowledge and practical skills to carry out psychological evaluation, they have the potential and motivation to carry it out, so that they can contribute to older adults in crisis due to dismemberment associated with migration. enjoy a better quality of life. This evidenced the need to develop a methodology that allows establishing an order and provides the necessary instruments for an adequate psychological evaluation.

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How to Cite
García Ramos, M. S., & Alfonso Gil, M. L. (2024). Psychological evaluation of the elderly: essential process in the professional practice of the Comprehensive General Physician. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 11, Retrieved from
Artículo Original


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