The environmental education in the mathematical

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Yanelis Díaz Núñez
Anayen Reyes González
Arlenis Martínez Ortega


The didactic proposal addresses the treatment of the National Strategy for Environmental Education for Sustainable Development as part of the formation of a Culture of Peace and the defense of human rights in the Mathematics subject. The objective of the research is: To elaborate a set of mathematical problems that contributes to Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in students of the Bachelor of Education career in the Mathematical specialty of the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of the UNAH. The set of mathematic al problems that is presented is an educational alternative that enhances Environmental Education in students of the Mathematics career from the pedagogical process. On the other hand, what distinguishes it are the exercises themselves on environmental problems to form in students a critical, reflective attitude and social leadership in a problem that concerns us all.

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How to Cite
Díaz Núñez, Y., Reyes González, A., & Martínez Ortega, A. (2022). The environmental education in the mathematical. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 10(1), Retrieved from
Artículo Original


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