Transfer of Gremag magnetic technology in Banes agriculture
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The actions of the Banes Municipal University Center are described to achieve the transfer of magnetic technology in local agriculture. The Agronomy career prepares 82 students as Agricultural Engineers distributed into five groups; where knowledge of trends and technologies in global agriculture is prioritized to assimilate advances that respond to local needs, demonstrate relevance, are locally feasible and improve low agricultural yields. With this perspective, in 2018 the use of magnetism in irrigation was assumed and a University Teaching Plot was established to experiment with it. The actions were generated from the Project Associated with the 2018-14 UHO National Program. A collaboration agreement with the National Center for Applied Electromagnetism led to the purchase of a PT 0011 Magnetic Conditioner using GREMAG® technology and 22 field experiments and their replicas were carried out by researchers and students over three years. The promising results obtained were socialized at local science fairs, provincial and national events, while producers were trained for technology transfer in the territory. In November 2020, two producers purchased 17 NOVAMAG® 04 Conditioners for irrigation and with 4 students they experimented on onion, corn and cucumber, obtaining excellent results. In May 2021, three other producers continued the transfer by purchasing 25 more devices, which promotes the generalization of an effective, safe, national and easy-to-use technology. The project “Generalization of magnetic technology in Banes agriculture” is currently approved, financed by CITMA for 2022.
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