Papers will be submitted on magnetic support or sent by email to the address:, in Microsoft Word format with 12-point font size, Times New Roman font, letter-size page, with margins of 2, 5 cm on all four sides, spaced 1.5 spaces. The work will be accompanied by a letter of approval to publish from the responsible institution and a declaration of authorship.
All articles sent to the Journal will be original (unpublished), regardless of their type.
Scientific article (research results): Title in Spanish and English (up to 15 words). Author(s). Institution(s), work address and e-mail of the authors. Summary in Spanish and English, in 250 words the problem, the objectives, the methods and the results and conclusions will be expressed. Key words and phrases (in Spanish). Keywords and short phrases (in English), from three to six, only one or two words that appear in the title will be repeated. Introduction, the objective must be declared. Methodology. Results and discussion. conclusions. References (minimum number 15). The length of the manuscript will be up to 12 pages.
Review: It is about making a critical assessment of a certain problem, based on the analysis of the most current scientific literature (it is not a simple bibliographic review). Parts: Title in Spanish and English, up to 15 words. Author(s). Institution(s), work address and e-mail of the authors. Summary in Spanish and English (up to 250 words). Key words and phrases (in Spanish); keywords and short phrases (in English), from three to six. Introduction (state objective). Special part (presentation of topics in logical order). Conclusions (mandatory). Bibliographical references with a minimum number of 30. Extension up to 15 pages.
Short communication: It has the same organization as a research article, but without being separated into sections, except for references. Title in Spanish and English (up to 15 words). Author(s). Institution(s) and work and electronic address of the authors. Extension up to four pages.
The number of tables and figures will be sufficient and necessary. Tables will be presented in Word or Excel, in a simple grid format, with no shading, gridlines, or merged cells. The original figures will be delivered in a folder as JPG, EPS or TIFF images, with a minimum of 300 dpi. The texts of axes and legends with font size of nine points.
The citation system within the text will be by last name and year. The Price Index will be complied with, 60% of the citations of the last five years, for its preparation the Harvard norm will be applied, which includes the styles to reference the authors within the text and how to organize the references at the end of the work; at least 50% must belong to original articles published in scientific journals. Self-citations, both from the author and from the journal, must have a value of less than 20% of the cited literature. The citations to Internet resources will only be from duly recognized and accredited sites.
Writing the list of bibliographical references
Books and pamphlets: Last name, Initial of the name of the author(s) or, publisher(s), or the responsible organization. (Year). Title (in italics). Series and volume number. Edition number if it is not the first. Place of publication, publisher. Book chapter: Surname, Initial of the name of the author(s) of the chapter. (Year). Chapter title. In: Author(s)/publisher(s) of the work. Title of the work (in italics). Place of publication, editorial, number of pages of the chapter.
Journals: Surname, Initial of the author(s) name. (Year). Article title. Name of the journal (in italics). Volume (number), month, pages.
Thesis: Surname, Initial of the author's name. (Year). Title (in italics). Degree of the Thesis, Institution.
Scientific events: Name of the event, number (if applicable). Year. Place, year of publication in parentheses. Title of the work (in italics), author(s)/editor(s). Place of publication, publisher.
Pages and websites: Surname, Initial of the author(s) name. (Year). Title (in italics) the word on the line between square brackets, edition or version (if applicable), place of publication, publisher. The words Available from: <Internet address> date of access in square brackets.
Articles of electronic publications: Surname, Initial of the author(s) name. (Year). Article title. Title of the publication (in italics) the words in line between square brackets, Volume (number), month, number of pages of the article. The words Available from: <Internet address> date of access in square brackets.
CD-ROM: Surname, Initial of the author(s) name. (Year) Title (in italics). Edition or version, place, publisher [CD-ROM]
Database: Surname, Initial of the author(s) name. (year). Article title. Full name of the journal (in italics), Volume (number) page. Available database name [Date of access]
Standards: Corporate author (institution). Short title (with keywords in capital letters). Year. Standard number. Place of publication: Publisher.
Government documents: Country. Institution (Year). Title (in italics) Place of publication: Editorial.
Annual report: Individual or corporate author. (Year). Title (in italics) Place of publication: Editorial.
Patents: Surname, Initial of the name of the author(s) of the inventor. (Year). Title (in italics). Place. Patent number.
DVD, video or film: Full DVD or video title (in italics). Year of publication. [Media type] Director. (If applicable) Country of origin: film studio or filmmaker. (Other relevant details). If this section is not correctly written, the article will be returned for amendments.
Abbreviations, acronyms and initials will be preceded by their full name the first time they appear in the text. They will not be written in titles or abstracts. The International System of Units (SI) will be used.