Publicado: 2023-09-01

Feasibility of the Adequate Anaerobic Biodigestion Technology for a Dairy Agroecosystem

Yanoy Morejón-Mesa, Darielis Vizcay-Villafranca, Ramón Pelegrín-Rodríguez, Malgreter Noguera

Energy Sustainability Based on the Implementation of Renewable Energies in Pig Farms: Case Granja “El Guayabal”

Osney Gerardo Pérez-Acosta, Yanoy Morejón, Madeleidy Martínez-Pérez, Saray Díaz-Barrios, Jesús Suárez Hernández

Response of Abelmoschus esculentus L. and Vigna unguiculata L. to Vermicompost Leachate Applications

Eneida E. Vilches-León, Alianna Machín-Suárez, Lizandra Guerra-Arzuaga, Allison Valdés-Castillo, Elena Hernández-García

Physical and Chemical Characterization of the Organ-Mineral Fertilizer Agromena - G

Omar González-Cueto, Rafael Alejandro Salcerio-Salaberry, Edith Aguila-Alcantara, Gardenis Merlán-Mesa, Elvis López-Bravo, Joaquin Machado-de Armas

Study of the Main Quality Properties of Banana, Orinoco Variety, Stored at Room Temperature

Lazara Rangel Montes de Oca, Jorge Garcia Coronado, Annia García Pereira, Leidy L Monzón-Monrabal

GIS Tools, Review of their Foundations, Types and Relationship with Spatial Databases

Gabriel Alberto Pérez-Guerra, Ivett Sosa-Franco, Neili Machado-García, María Elena Ruiz-Pérez