Computer program for the design and evaluation of the Francis turbine in a Small Hydroelectric Power Plant

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Yoelkis Hernández-Victor
Noidys Quirós-Martín
Oscar Brown-Manrique
Carlos Miguel Sánchez-Monteserín
Maiquel López-Silva


Hydroelectric plants are of great importance for agricultural development by providing clean energy, supporting irrigation and contributing to the stability of the electrical grid, which directly benefits the productivity and sustainability of the agricultural sector. The present study was developed at the Small Hydroelectric Power Plant “Alzamiento de Jagüecito” in the Chambas Basin with the objective of developing a computer program for the design and evaluation of the Francis turbine. The methodology used consisted of a web system in the Python programming language from which the following parameters were calculated: power, rotation speed, specific speed, net jump height, absolute entry speed, tangential speed, impeller parameters and flow parameters. the metallic spiral chamber. The results showed that the INFO_FRANCIS computer program allows determining the power of the turbine, the electrical energy produced and the load factor from the behavior of the water levels in the reservoir. This program is useful to compare the results of the program with the data obtained from the Hydraulic Use Company and the Electrical Union of the province; in addition to helping to monitor the operation of the turbine, which prevents possible problems that may arise and suggests viable corrective measures that should be applied.

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Como Citar
Hernández-Victor, Y., Quirós-Martín, N., Brown-Manrique, O., Sánchez-Monteserín, C. M., & López-Silva, M. (2024). Computer program for the design and evaluation of the Francis turbine in a Small Hydroelectric Power Plant. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(4), Obtido de


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