Software for calculating irrigation management of some crops in Guyana

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Esequiel Rolando Jiménez-Espinosa


The software CIRS (Crop Irrigation Requirement and Scheduling) was developed to calculate the irrigation management of some crops produced in Guyana. The programming language used was Visual Basic within the Visual Studio platform. The interface was designed so that the user interacts with the software in a simple way. The program code was based on the classic irrigation management calculation procedure, but using single crop coefficients adjusted to the agro-meteorological conditions of Guyana, and estimating the physical properties of the soil according to texture, by mean a mathematical model recommended for use in the country. As a result, irrigation management parameters are obtained with greater precision to supply the water requirements of Guyana's agricultural crops.

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Jiménez-Espinosa, E. R. (2024). Software for calculating irrigation management of some crops in Guyana. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(3), Obtido de


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