Diagnosis and evaluation of pressurized irrigation systems in Portoviejo City, Manabí, Ecuador

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Mario Alejandro Sánchez-Olivo
Ramón Pérez-Leira


During 2022, an investigation was conducted on 16 farms to evaluate management of pressurized irrigation systems in Portoviejo City. Factors that affected management were identified, such as; A) Presence of leaks or breaks in the irrigation system deployed on the field, B) Modifications done to the initial project constructions, C) Lack of knowledge regarding managing, operating and maintaining (AOM) irrigation system, D) Absence of a filtering system, E) Absence of a hydraulic design of the system or implementation of a hydraulic project, F) Absence of water collectors. Factor D) was the most frequent troubling issue, identified in 14 out of 16 evaluations. Quality of the system was tested based on hydraulic evaluation and calculations to determine the uniformity of the output following the established hydraulic system norms. As a result, Localized irrigation systems displayed the highest rating, with a maximum efficiency of 93.90%. Sprinkler systems had a wider range, from 29.90% to 73.10%, with an average of 52.33%, which was considered unacceptable. Factor A showed little variation in uniformity evaluations, while factor D, C and E showed greater disparity in uniformity values.

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Como Citar
Sánchez-Olivo, M. A., & Pérez-Leira, R. (2024). Diagnosis and evaluation of pressurized irrigation systems in Portoviejo City, Manabí, Ecuador. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(3), https://cu-id.com/2177/v33n3e03. Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1881
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