Response of Bean Crops to Controlled Deficit Irrigation Applied at Different Stages of their Biological Cycle

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Donaldo Medardo Morales-Guevara
José Miguel Dell’Amico-Rodríguez
Lilisbet Guerrero-Domínguez
Arasay Santa Cruz-Suárez


The research was conducted at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences located in Mayabeque province, Cuba, with the aim of determining the response of bean crops to controlled deficit irrigation applied at different stages of their biological cycle. The study was carried out during two planting seasons (January and October 2021) under semi-controlled conditions. Seeds of the Triunfo 70 cultivar were sown in concrete containers, and three irrigation suspension periods of 15 days were studied: during the vegetative growth stage (VG), flowering stage (FS), and grain filling stage (GFS), along with a control group irrigated at 100% of the ETc. After the irrigation suspensions, soil moisture, growth indicators, and yield components were evaluated. In VG during the second experiment, it reduced stem length, leaf number, and leaf area. Above-ground dry mass decreased in both experiments, as well as the mass of 100 grains and grams per plant. In FS, it reduced stem length, relative chlorophyll content (RCC), mass of 100 grains, and yield in grams per plant, while in GFS, only the RCC was affected. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the grain filling stage was the least sensitive to water deficiency, causing the least impact on yield.

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Como Citar
Morales-Guevara, D. M., Dell’Amico-Rodríguez, J. M., Guerrero-Domínguez, L., & Santa Cruz-Suárez, A. (2024). Response of Bean Crops to Controlled Deficit Irrigation Applied at Different Stages of their Biological Cycle. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(2), Obtido de
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