Relationship between Biophysical Variables and Spectral Vegetative Indices in Cultivation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

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Elvis López Bravo
Arley Placeres Remior
Omar Rodríguez Rivero
Omar González Cueto
Miguel Herrera Suárez


The objective of the present work is to identify the relationship between the spectral vegetative indices (VI) and biophysical variables in potato crop. The study was carried out in Valle del Yabú Agricultural Enterprise in Villa Clara Province, located at coordinates 22. 54491º North Latitude and 79. 99791º West Longitude, in an area of 10 ha irrigated by central pivot system. The monitoring of the morphological indicators of growth was carried out through field measurements, for which 15 experimental points georeferenced with GPS were taken. To monitor the VIs, the land cover images and spatial distribution maps available in the Earth Observed System were used. The study showed that indexes as NDVI, EVI and SAVI vary in correspondence with the development of the biophysical properties, showing correlations greater than 0,9. The strong correlation of 0,98 was obtained between NDVI index and leaf area (AF). On the other hand, by monitoring NDVI it was possible to identify the changes that occurred in AF and soil moisture during vegetative period. The spatial distribution of NDVI values also made it possible to identify the variability in the plant cover of the crop.

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Como Citar
López Bravo, E., Placeres Remior, A., Rodríguez Rivero, O., González Cueto, O., & Herrera Suárez, M. (2023). Relationship between Biophysical Variables and Spectral Vegetative Indices in Cultivation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum). Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(3), Obtido de
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