Preliminary Analysis of Alternative Methods for the Elimination of Warehouse Pests

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Carlos M. Martínez Hernández
Diana Alserhan Robaina
Orlando M. Saucedo Castillo
Marlen Cárdenas Morales


The work consisted on the evaluation of several alternative methods for the elimination of one type of warehouse pest in grains (Sitophilus spp). Six treatments and a control were evaluated with three replicas each one, the grain object of study was sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench), UDG-110 cultivar. The studied variants were: 6 treatments (3 treatments with different methane dose and 3 treatments with different zeolite dose) and a control, with 3 replicas each one. All the treatments were executed inside test tubes of 50 mL. Methane application was by means of lethal injection with the doses specified in the respective treatments. The tests were carried out in the laboratories of agricultural microbiology, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the effect of annihilation of these alternative treatments in the pest studied (Sitophilus spp) and its effect in the grains object of valuation (sorghum). The best result was obtained with treatment 6, with which 91.66% of elimination of the investigated pest was reached. The worst behavior was obtained with treatment 3 (0%). Different analysis of the soil utilized to see the possible effects of these treatments in the morphological properties of the grain and in the physical chemical properties of the soil were carried out.

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Como Citar
Martínez Hernández, C. M., Alserhan Robaina, D., Saucedo Castillo, O. M., & Cárdenas Morales, M. (2023). Preliminary Analysis of Alternative Methods for the Elimination of Warehouse Pests. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(2), Obtido de
Notas Técnicas


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