Adequacy of Labras Software in Planning the Preparation of the Soil for Sugarcane

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Yoel Betancourt-Rodríguez
Darién Alonso-Camacho
Jorge Luis Ponce-Salazar
Liván Amado Villavicencio-Ramírez


The Sugarcane Research Institute worked on the development of the software (SW) LabraS specialized in the planning of soil tillage processes. Evaluating the functional adequacy of the LabraS software in the planning of the sustainable soil preparation for sugarcane cultivation is the objective of this paper. The work was carried out at “Héctor Rodríguez” Base Business Unit (UEB), of the AZCUBA Sugar Group. The evaluation included the 2020-2021 soil preparation campaign, with 2 619.2 ha, concentrated in 57 blocks dedicated to sugarcane. The research conditions were characterized as complex, with a predominance of poorly drained areas (57%), medium and heavy textured soils (89%), and fallows or cane fields with very low agricultural yields without harvest (67%). The results showed an adequate selection of the technological alternatives, their operational variants and tasks by management condition. In addition, the correct application of the ISMACE criteria (integration of knowledge on soil, machinery, crop and working environment) in the algorithm of the LabraS software, for selecting the technologies with the best technological, economic, energetic and environmental impact, generally demonstrated satisfactory results in the validation of the functional adequacy for the planning of sustainable soil preparation.

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Betancourt-Rodríguez, Y., Alonso-Camacho, D., Ponce-Salazar, J. L., & Villavicencio-Ramírez, L. A. (2023). Adequacy of Labras Software in Planning the Preparation of the Soil for Sugarcane. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(2), Obtido de
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