Temperature-Humidity Recording System Applied to a Hexapod Robot for Artificial Pollination in Agriculture

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Luis Tonatiuh Castellanos Serrano
Gaudencio Sedano Castro
María Victoria Gómez Águila
José Alfredo Castellanos Suárez
Carlos Daniel López Morales


This paper presents the research results in the design of a radio frequency module to send humidity and temperature data to a Host-Local for management of information in a database. The operability of the system was achieved through the design of a Graphical User Interface, which was designed in JAVA language. The emitter module is installed on the back of a hexapod robot, designed for complex walks in agricultural lands, which in the future has the mission of carrying out artificial pollination processes. The technical objectives of the project are referred, as well as the maps of the software design through the UML diagram resource, the description of the layers of the software architecture for sending data, the design of the GUI and its connection with the local database created in MySQL. Finally, the graphic evidence of the operation of the system, the assembly in the hexapod robot and the technical conclusions with goals to work on future results are shown.

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Como Citar
Castellanos Serrano, L. T., Sedano Castro, G., Gómez Águila, M. V., Castellanos Suárez, J. A., & López Morales, C. D. (2022). Temperature-Humidity Recording System Applied to a Hexapod Robot for Artificial Pollination in Agriculture. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(4). Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1661
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