Evaluation of Advice to The Irrigator in “Amistad Cubano Búlgara” Agricultural Production Cooperative

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Caridad Sánchez Veranes
María del Carmen Falcón Acosta
Leonardo Sala Hernández


An exploratory diagnosis was carried out in the Agricultural Production Cooperative (APC) “Amistad Cubano Búlgara” to evaluate the current advice service to the irrigator (IAS). A characterization of the APC was made, surveys were applied, interviews and field evaluations were carried out in areas of watering systems for aspersion (Machines of Central Pivot). The information allowed determining as strengths the existence of a climatic station automated, the interest of the institution in introducing technologies, the disposition of the cooperativities to carry out improvements in the watering activity, even when they have as weaknesses a low educational level of the work force, the lack of specialist technicians in the watering activity, operators in the machines of pivot power station are not qualified, all what is reflected in the indicators of efficiencies that oscillate between 63 and 70%, and in the applications of inadequate watering norms that cause the low agricultural yields. These results allowed elaborating an action plan that will drive to improve the administration of the watering in a long term starting from the implementation of an advice system to the irrigator in real time. That will propitiate an appropriate training of the human resources, an appropriate and efficient use of the available resources, redounding in a good and appropriate use of water and bigger efficiency of the watering systems.

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Sánchez Veranes, C., Falcón Acosta, M. del C., & Sala Hernández, L. (2022). Evaluation of Advice to The Irrigator in “Amistad Cubano Búlgara” Agricultural Production Cooperative. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(3). Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1648
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