Intervention in Case IH A8000 Sugarcane Harvesters of Sugar Mill in Villa Clara, Cuba

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Carlos A. Pérez-García
Alexander Rodríguez-Conte
Luis Hernández-Santana
Miguel A. Rodríguez-Orozco
Rafael Cruz-Iglesias
José Luis Capote-Fernández


Increasing the productive yields of arable areas is one of the main tasks of researchers in the field. In this sense, agricultural machinery has been the object of application of existing technological development in areas such as positioning systems, integrated circuits, onboard computers, among others. For this reason, this type of machinery has now become one of the most important sources of information for the management of agricultural practices; the visualization, analysis, and storage of the high volume of information generated require the use of computational tools. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are the most widespread platforms for the management of data exported by Advanced Farming System (AFS) agricultural machinery. The present work shows some of the potentialities of the use of AFS systems in Case IH A8000 sugarcane harvesters of “Héctor Rodríguez” Sugar Mill in Villa Clara Province. To this end, the SMS Advanced software is used to create maps and reports of the operations carried out by the sugar cane harvesters during their agricultural activities and a brief analysis of them is made. Finally, the feasibility of publishing the harvest data in the company's Spatial Data Infrastructure (AZCUBA’s SDI) is shown.

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Pérez-García, C. A., Rodríguez-Conte, A., Hernández-Santana, L., Rodríguez-Orozco, M. A., Cruz-Iglesias, R., & Capote-Fernández, J. L. (2022). Intervention in Case IH A8000 Sugarcane Harvesters of Sugar Mill in Villa Clara, Cuba. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(1). Obtido de
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