Design of Water Supply System for Cattle Units in Jimaguayú Municipality, Camagüey, Cuba

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Bárbara Mola-Fines
Edelmis Sánchez-Santos
Camilo Bonet-Pérez
Raudel Quintero-Rodríguez


Taking the water until the animals in the field is a challenge in our country, to achieve better handling of the cattle mass and improve the productive results. The research was carried out between September 2019 and March 2020 in the farm “La Victoria” belonging to the Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios (CCS) “Evelio Rodríguez”, Jimaguayú Municipality in Camagüey. It had as objective the design and evaluation of a supply system that allows improving water supply to animals during their permanency in the field. The designed system is based on taking water to each unit by using pipes and plastic tanks which were acquired and conditioned. For the economic evaluation the prices of the necessary components for the construction of the supply system were obtained; to obtaining general economic indicators of possible application in the municipality, the design of typical dairies elaborated by Empresa Nacional de Proyectos Agropecuarios (ENPA) in Camagüey Province was used like reference. It is concluded that the system designed by means of mobile drinking troughs made of plastic tanks distributed in the field helps to improve water supply to the animals. In addition, the economic calculation showed that the purchase of the components and installation of the supply system proposed is economically favorable, with an index of cost achieved of 29.16 pesos/ha Furthermore, as a result of this investigation, a guide was elaborated for the design of the system of water supply to the animals.

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Como Citar
Mola-Fines, B., Sánchez-Santos, E., Bonet-Pérez, C., & Quintero-Rodríguez, R. (2022). Design of Water Supply System for Cattle Units in Jimaguayú Municipality, Camagüey, Cuba. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(1). Obtido de
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