Plan of Measures to Increase the Management of Water Use in Livestock Systems

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Camilo Bonet-Pérez
Pedro A. Guerrero-Posada
Lisset Maria Pérez-Gómez
Yasmani La Rosa-Fernández
Bárbara Mola-Fines


In the study that is presented, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out on the use of available water in livestock agroecosystems linked to the Project Environmental Bases for Local Food Sustainability (BASAL) of Jimaguayú Municipality, Camagüey Province and its possibilities of responding to the potential needs of the agricultural sector. As a result, it was found that the availability of groundwater is limited to flows below 3 L/s in most of the wells. In addition, it was determined that there are 4 dams and 25 micro dams in the municipality belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), which, however, cannot be used because they are distant from the study area. The available forecasts on the climate behavior in the studied area indicate that drought conditions must increase, due to which, in order to supply the water requirements of irrigation activities and of livestock, it will be necessary to apply measures for increasing water use efficiency. A plan of measures was drawn up that includes the installation of 10 sprinkler irrigation systems, the drilling of 18 wells, the colocation of 8 windmills, the repairing of 12 tanks and hydraulic installations and the maintenance of 16 reservoirs. The actions to be applied were specified through the Irrigation Advisory Service (IAS) to increase the efficiency in the use of available water.

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Bonet-Pérez, C., Guerrero-Posada, P. A., Pérez-Gómez, L. M., La Rosa-Fernández, Y., & Mola-Fines, B. (2022). Plan of Measures to Increase the Management of Water Use in Livestock Systems. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(1). Obtido de
Artículos Originales


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