Effects of Mechanized Harvesting of Sugarcane over the Soil

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Elvis López-Bravo
Eduardo Rafael Saucedo-Levi
Omar González-Cueto
Miguel Herrera-Suárez
Yoel Betancourt-Rodríguez


The present work is focused on the effects on the soil due to the traffic of sugarcane harvesting machines. The investigation took place in areas of three different units of sugarcane production in the UEB “Héctor Rodríguez”, located on the north coast of Villa Clara. The CASE IH 8 800 harvesting machine and self-dumping car pulled by the Maxxum CASE 150 tractor were used for the study. The main characteristics of the predominant soils were determined, as well as the variations of soil micro relief, the bulk density and the soil moisture. The results showed soil modifications due to the traffic of the equipment during the harvest, highlighting the effect of the tractor and self-balancing aggregate. The machines introduce considerably modifications in field profile, by moving over and through the furrow, affecting the root zone. Dry bulk density values characteristic of heavy clay soils, were found, increasing this value after the harvesting machinery passing. On the other hand, soil moisture of 64.0% became in serious traffic problems for tractor self-balancing aggregates and causing traffic jam.

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Como Citar
López-Bravo, E., Saucedo-Levi, E. R., González-Cueto, O., Herrera-Suárez, M., & Betancourt-Rodríguez, Y. (2022). Effects of Mechanized Harvesting of Sugarcane over the Soil. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(1). Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1541
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