Application of Fluid Dynamics to the Design of the Centrifugal Pump Model BSC 80/200 (130-65)

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Isidro Antonio Martínez-Blanco
Alain Ariel de la Rosa-Andino
Yusimit Karina Zamora-Hernandez
Idalberto Macías-Socarrás
René Misael Arias-Hidalgo
Laida Figueroa-Rodríguez


The present work was carried out with the aim of simulating the performance of the BSC 80/200 (130-65) centrifugal pump using the CFD method, thus obtaining the head-flow, power-flow and efficiency-flow characteristics curves. To carry out this project, specialized bibliography was taken into account in the parametric design of centrifugal pumps and in analysis by finite elements applied to fluids, later the design, 3D projection and computational simulation were carried out using ANSYS (CFX). The results include obtaining the three-dimensional models of the pump body and the three impellers (5 blades, 6 blades and 7 blades) and that the correlation in all the curves is as expected, corresponding to what is referred to in the specialized bibliography. It was concluded that the comparison of the results obtained through the CFD simulations taking into account the variations in the number of blades showed that the impeller that generates the best results is the one with 7 blades, reaching the best efficiency (90%), power (36,25 kW) for a 70% flow of design.

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Martínez-Blanco, I. A., de la Rosa-Andino, A. A., Zamora-Hernandez, Y. K., Macías-Socarrás, I., Arias-Hidalgo, R. M., & Figueroa-Rodríguez, L. (2021). Application of Fluid Dynamics to the Design of the Centrifugal Pump Model BSC 80/200 (130-65). Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(4). Obtido de
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