Effect of Three Tillage Systems on Soil and Crop Properties

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Godofredo Peña-Dávila
Jhonatan Rodríguez-Parra Alfaro
Héctor Medina-Dávila
Guido Sarmiento-Sarmiento


Knowing the effect of various tillage systems on the properties of the soil allows optimizing agronomic management. For this reason, the effect of 3 tillage systems on 3 properties of a sandy loam soil was investigated during 4 agricultural campaigns in Majes irrigation area, Arequipa, Peru. The treatments were horizontal tillage (LH): disc plow, disc harrow and tine harrow; Vertical Tillage (LV): chisel plow, disc harrow and tine harrow, and no tillage (NL). Volumetric soil water content (percentage), soil temperature (°C), water stress measured on the leaf (percentage) and crop yield (t∙ha-1) in a sandy loam soil were evaluated. The results show that for volumetric content of soil water (percentage) the treatments of NL (19.73%) and LV (17.16%) were statistically superior to the treatment of LH (13.80%), for water stress measured on the leaf, the treatment of NL (16.52%) was superior compared to the treatments of LV (18.92%) and LH (20.57%), which were statistically similar. The soil temperature values in ºC, measured in the 20 cm stratum and the crop yield in t∙ha-1 did not show significant differences between the tillage system treatments. It is concluded that the use of No Tillage is recommended in sandy textured soils.

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Como Citar
Peña-Dávila, G., Rodríguez-Parra Alfaro, J., Medina-Dávila, H., & Sarmiento-Sarmiento, G. (2021). Effect of Three Tillage Systems on Soil and Crop Properties. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(3). Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1457
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