Study of Methane Potential in Three Bovine Pastures Pre-Treated with Enzymes

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Carlos M. Martínez Hernández
Hans Oechsner
Annett Reinhard
Yaser García López
Arnaldo Martínez Hernández


In this work, it was studied the influence of ZY maXX XL 200 enzyme pre-treatment of three agricultural substrata (mulatto pasture, natural pasture and variety CT-115), on their potentiality for methane production. The pre-treatment consisted on the addition of an enzyme (ZY maXX XL 200) in dose of 100 µl/syringes for 350 mg of substrate in 30-1 mL of bovine inoculum. The results of the substrates bio digested were compared with the ones obtained without the addition of the investigated enzyme. In the three cases, significant increments of specific methane yield were achieved. The best result was obtained with mulatto pasture (0.268 m3 CH4/kg VS), followed by the variety CT-115 (0.258 m3 CH4/kg VS) and culminating with natural pasture (0.254 m3 CH4/kg VS). Nevertheless, increments were observed when the pre-treatment was used with enzymes and bovine inoculum vs. when it was not used. On the other hand, the pH had a similar behavior in all substrates where the pre-treatment was applied, as well as where it was not used.

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Martínez Hernández, C. M., Oechsner, H., Reinhard, A., García López, Y., & Martínez Hernández, A. (2020). Study of Methane Potential in Three Bovine Pastures Pre-Treated with Enzymes. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Obtido de
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