Design and Simulation of a Solar Dryer for Botanical Seeds of Grass and Forage

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Yoel Rodríguez Gago
Yanoy Morejón Mesa


The present investigation is oriented towards the design of a solar dryer for botanical seeds of pastures and forages. For the fulfillment of the proposed objective, the theoretical-methodological bases referred to the subject were established. It was evident that the proposed theoretical foundations allowed carrying out the design and simulation of a prototype for the solar drying of botanical seeds of pastures and forages. With the use of the Solidworks software (2018 version), the prototype design was carried out and with the Flow Simulation tool, the analysis of fluid kinetics and temperatures was carried out, reaching air velocity values of 0,25 m/s and temperatures of 8 ℃ above room temperature in the drying chamber. On the other hand, with the Simulation tool, a finite element study was carried out to evaluate the structural strength of the prototype, using the von Mises maximum tension criterion, which demonstrated its strength and stability.

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Rodríguez Gago, Y., & Morejón Mesa, Y. (2020). Design and Simulation of a Solar Dryer for Botanical Seeds of Grass and Forage. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Obtido de
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