Structural Evaluation of an Agricultural Trailer Axle Subjected to Impact Loads

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Raudel Flores Moreno
Arturo Martínez Rodríguez
Gilberto de Jesús López Canteñs
Eugenio Romantchik Kriuchkova
Pedro Ramón Mayans Céspedes
Geisy Hernández-Cuello


The dynamic load coefficients allow obtaining the tensile and deformational states in parts and structures subjected to dynamic loads with an acceptable degree of accuracy. In the present investigation, the dynamic load coefficients are determined and a structural evaluation is carried out on an agricultural trailer axle, subjected to a static vertical load of 20 kN. The energy method was used to determine the dynamic load coefficients and the simulation by the finite element method was performed to determine static stresses and deformations. Applying this method, the structural evaluation of the agricultural trailer axle subjected to impact loads was achieved, with a low computational requirement. For a free fall height of the trailer of 200 mm, with a load of 20 kN on each axle, if the wheels were rigid, an excessively high dynamic load coefficient would occur. It would cause exceeding the elastic limit of the axis material more than five times, while an impact height of that same level, can be damped by the tires, without using other damping means (springs), with a safety coefficient of 2.5.

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Como Citar
Flores Moreno, R., Martínez Rodríguez, A., López Canteñs, G. de J., Romantchik Kriuchkova, E., Mayans Céspedes, P. R., & Hernández-Cuello, G. (2020). Structural Evaluation of an Agricultural Trailer Axle Subjected to Impact Loads. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Obtido de
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