Analysis of Suction and Stability of Implement in Localized Soil Preparation for Sugarcane Planting

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Yarian Reyes-Suárez
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Armando Eloy García de la Figal-Costales
Ernesto Ramos-Carbajal
Miguel Ángel Zaldívar-Fernández


Nowadays, it is interest of Cuban sugarcane agriculture, the introduction of conservationist methods during the preparation of soils for sugarcane sowing. Localized soil preparation, done exclusively in the area of root growth of the seedlings, is a viable alternative, both, from the point of view of soil conservation, as well as from point of view of economy of energy resources that are dedicated to the preparation of large areas of land. In this sense, a tillage implement having four staggered shanks with “V”- shaped blades has been developed, leaving a trapezoidal profile in the transverse plane of the soil removed, according to the demands of sowing. In the design process of this equipment, it was necessary to carry out certain analyses related to suction and stability, developing an analytical method and software that facilitates these analyses, avoiding the use of cumbersome traditional graphic methods, based on the construction of force polygons and rays, which make it difficult to evaluate multiple variants. The application of this method to the aggregate formed by an YTO-1604 tractor and a the tillage implement with four staggered shanks, made it possible to determine the most suitable position for the support wheel, as well as for the instantaneous center of rotation of the tractor suspension mechanism. It was also possible to evaluate the incidence of the wedge angle on the conditions of suction and stability.

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Como Citar
Reyes-Suárez, Y., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., García de la Figal-Costales, A. E., Ramos-Carbajal, E., & Zaldívar-Fernández, M. Ángel. (2018). Analysis of Suction and Stability of Implement in Localized Soil Preparation for Sugarcane Planting. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(4). Obtido de
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