Foundations for Modeling and Designing a Solar Dryer for Forage Seeds

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Yanoy Morejón Mesa
Yoel Rodríguez Gago
Dariel Matos Cervera


The present investigation was oriented to establish the bases for modeling and designing a forage seed solar dryer. In order to comply with the proposed objective, the theoretical-methodological bases related to the subject were established and the relevant computer tools, SolidWorks and Termotransf, were used. These aspects made possible to carry out the modeling and to establish the design parameters of a solar dryer for forage seeds. Among the main results obtained, the thermal and kinetic modeling of the design conceived was carried out, considering the porous medium (layer of seeds to be dried) and without considering the porous medium. An increase in temperature and a pressure drop, inside the proposed installation were observed. The conceived forage seed solar dryer reached a total heat flow of 1.146 kW. Considering the capacity of seeds to be processed, the estimated drying time and the dimensions of the installation, it was demonstrated that, the proposed design, works as a drying installation.

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Morejón Mesa, Y., Rodríguez Gago, Y., & Matos Cervera, D. (2018). Foundations for Modeling and Designing a Solar Dryer for Forage Seeds. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(3). Obtido de
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