Calibration of TDR probe for the estimation of moisture in typical red Ferrallitic soils

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Santiago Cabrera-Moreira
Néstor Concepción-Bonachea
Osbel Julio Batista-Charles
Iosvany Palmero-Venegas


The dielectric method to estimate soil moisture content is based in the existent closed relationship between dielectric permittivity and water content. The time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an indirect technique to estimate the soil water content based on the mentioned relationship given by polynomials of different ranges inserted in the equipment. However, the absence of generalization of these models to transform the data of the sensors into readings of moisture content of different soils makes necessary the obtaining of the place-specific calibration curves. The objective of the present work consists on the calibration of a probe TDR 300 model 6430FS for its use in typical red Ferrallitic soils of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba.

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How to Cite
Cabrera-Moreira, S., Concepción-Bonachea, N., Batista-Charles, O. J., & Palmero-Venegas, I. (2018). Calibration of TDR probe for the estimation of moisture in typical red Ferrallitic soils. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(3). Retrieved from
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