Extract of vermicompost Liplant an alternative for the development of conservation agriculture

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Mayra Arteaga Barrueta
Nelson Garcés Pérez
José Antonio Pino Roque
Liliam Otaño Corona
Helen Veubides Amador


To look for alternative ecological obtained starting from residuals of the own agroecosystems it´s has convert a challenge in the current investigations to revert the problematic of the drop productivity of the cultivations, like it is the case of the black bean that they don't satisfying the population's discharges demands. The present work had as objective: To evaluate the goods of the application of a vermicompost extract (LIPLANT) about the agricultural productivity in an economic interest cultivations, when being applied cocktail with other bioproducts, as well as in the preservation of the estates of a soil Leached Red Ferralític (FRL) conserved under the conditions of production of a small property of the town. The obtained results demonstrated that with this applied product to the bean plants, for if only or added with the technology of developed conservation by the producer according to the existent conditions in the property, you can increase the productivity of the cultivation and to make a more rational use of the material of vermicompost, what determine that their application is viable, with an impact not only economic but also ecological. With the application of LIPLANT a better positive productive answer to the improvement of the soil preserved FRL was achieved

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How to Cite
Arteaga Barrueta, M., Garcés Pérez, N., Pino Roque, J. A., Otaño Corona, L., & Veubides Amador, H. (2018). Extract of vermicompost Liplant an alternative for the development of conservation agriculture. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/983
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