Service for the Technical Assistance in the Sugar Cane Soil Tillage

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Yoel Betancourt-Rodríguez
Sergio Guillén-Sosa
Justo Félix R odríguez-Rodríguez
Alejandro Alfonso-Villegas
Roberto Sánchez-Rodríguez
Luis Oliva-Ágra


The general structure of the service for the technical assistance in the sugar cane soil tillage was based on three offers directed to the planning, the organization, the control and training: Technical attendance in the processes of soil tillage, Technical attendance in machinery management and Evaluation and trial of agricultural machines. This service is projected to reach the total area of the sugar cane crop in Cuba and to cover up the whole of the year. The attendance in soil tillage processes was applied to deforestation, land-leveling, fertilization and post-harvest field management, plantation and land preparation technological processes. For the planning of the farm works, the maintenance management and the machinery exploitation control a computer tools were programed. The recommendations given to the grower were technically based according to technological, energetical, economical and environmental approaches; taking in to account the results of more than 40 years of investigations of the INICA and other national institutions. To strengthen the material and human infrastructure of the INICA and to create a methodology for farm processes diagnostic on the service implementation was recommended.

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Betancourt-Rodríguez, Y., Guillén-Sosa, S., odríguez-Rodríguez, J. F. R., Alfonso-Villegas, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, R., & Oliva-Ágra, L. (2018). Service for the Technical Assistance in the Sugar Cane Soil Tillage. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(2). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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