Design of an Automation System for the Silage Plant “Héctor Molina”

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Lieter Javier Silva-Díaz


The work was carried out at "Héctor Molina" plant, located in San Nicolás de Bari, Mayabeque province, Cuba, with the aim of designing an automation system for the control of the silage process. It uses a technology developed at the Instituto de Ciencia Animal (ICA), which uses by-products and waste from sugar industry and agriculture surplus, for animal feeding, and obtained the Cuban patent 2013-0122. At present, this plant lait cks automatic control means, which implies that the dosing of raw materials is done with little precision and there is no adequate monitoring of the pH of silage. A proposal for instrumentation was developed, a programmable logic controller (PLC) was configured and programmed to perform the sequential logic control of the process and a supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) was designed, to achieve monitoring ancfe lementarja ctions of supervision and control.

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How to Cite
Silva-Díaz, L. J. (2018). Design of an Automation System for the Silage Plant “Héctor Molina”. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 26(4), 109–120. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Lieter Javier Silva-Díaz, Instituto d e Ciencia Animal

Ing., Investigador


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