Solar Collectors Use in Livestock Units from Institute of Animal Science: Environmental and Economic Impact

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Osney Gerardo Pérez-Acosta


This research was carried out with the objective of evaluating environmental and economic impact of solar collectors use in livestock units from the Institute of Animal Science. A simple classification model with factorial arrangement 4x2 (4 months of the year and in two different times) was used in Genetic 4 units, porcine sanitary filter and rearing. Temperature was measured and CO2 emissions were calculated as well as economic impact was determined from the equivalent tons of oil saved. There was no interaction, neither for genetic 4 nor for swine sanitary filter, but there was for rearing. February and August showed the lowest and the highest temperatures, respectively. The temperatures were higher in the afternoon. There was a saving of 7.17 t equivalent of annual oil, which represents 5814.45 USD. In addition, 19.61 t of CO2 were no longer emitted into the environment. It is concluded that solar collectors are a very efficient and low cost alternative that helps to reduce costs of livestock production and contributes to the workers’ comfort taking into account savings generated by electricity.

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How to Cite
Pérez-Acosta, O. G. (2017). Solar Collectors Use in Livestock Units from Institute of Animal Science: Environmental and Economic Impact. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 26(2), 65–70. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Osney Gerardo Pérez-Acosta, Instituto de Ciencia Animal

M.Sc., Inv.


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