Traction Power and Gases Emitted by the Tractor MTZ -82 at Plowing Labor

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Yanoy Morejón Mesa


This research was carried out on areas of the Agrarian University of Havana, with the objective of determining the power used in traction and gases emitted product of combustion in the plowing labor with the tractor set MTZ-82 and universal moldboard plows of three bodies. To achieve this objective the theoretical and methodological foundations were considered and the necessary measuring instruments were used to determine the reactions of the road on the wheels, the tractor dynamics of traction and the gases emissions produced by the combustion. Starting from the above stated, it was obtained that the biggest road reactions occur on the front wheels of the tractor reaching a value of 6,82 kN, being superior to those of the rear wheels 1,11 kN and wheel field 4,1 kN; the average depth of the work was 16 cm, reaching a mathematical expectation of the speed of 1,34 m/s and a mathematical expectation of the force exerted by the hook of 5,54 kN, being 28,4 L/ha the amount of fuel consumed; hook power reached a value of 7,42 kW, equivalent to 35% of the traction efficiency. In addition, 0, 67 kg of CO, 1,17 kg of CO2 and 0,98 kg of water vapor were ejected to the environment per liter of diesel fuel consumed (C12H26).

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How to Cite
Morejón Mesa, Y. (2017). Traction Power and Gases Emitted by the Tractor MTZ -82 at Plowing Labor. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 26(1), 14–22. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Yanoy Morejón Mesa, Universidad Agraria de La Habana

Dr.C, Prof. Auxiliar, Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas


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