Analysis of constitutive models used to simulate soil compaction by mean of finite elements method

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Omar González-Cueto


In this research a review of the existent bibliography was made on the constitutive models employees for the simulation of the soil compaction by means of the finite elements method. Non linear elastic models were analyzed as the hyperbolic and the elastoplastic models of Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager, cap of Drucker-Prager and the modified Cam-Clay. The results showed that these are the models more used due to their simplicity; little quantity of constitutive parameters and to their obtaining in laboratories of soil mechanics. Also, it was based that due to the ver y shor t soil loading period during the wheel traffic, it is simpler and more convenient to use for mulations in ter ms of total stresses instead of effective stresses, and the realization of the agricultural machinery operations to low speeds, allows not to include the dynamic effects, which contribute to the model a theoretical and computational additional complexity

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How to Cite
González-Cueto, O. (2013). Analysis of constitutive models used to simulate soil compaction by mean of finite elements method. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 22(3), 75–80. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Omar González-Cueto, Dr.C.

Universidad Central de Las Villas. Departamento Ing. Agrícola, Villa Clara,


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