Experimental determination of the validity of the prediction equations of soil compaction employed on-the-go sensing

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Darina Lara Coba


The models developed for on the go soil compaction sensing taking into account the soil density and the moisture content, the depth and the soil resistance, these have been developed for sandy, silty and clay, but its accuracy is not known to predict compaction on the conditions of cuban soil. The goals of this study is to determine the validity of the equations developed for predicting soil compaction during the go sensing, in a Rhodic ferralsol western Cuba. To complete this objective was tested experimentally the validity of these models in the soil bin controlled conditions, for a wide range of soil conditions and operation of the sensor. The main results show that the prediction errors of the models analyzed (0,90 to 260%) inability to correlate the sensor readings with soil compaction, although the models developed by Mouazen are more accurate (e = 0,90 to 41%) that the models developed by Andrade (e = 8,15 to 260%). Soil moisture was variable in the prediction that more weight have in the predictions accuracy, being the forward speed the second variable of importance regarding the accuracy of the predictions, which is an indicator of the inclusion need in future prediction models.

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How to Cite
Lara Coba, D. (2013). Experimental determination of the validity of the prediction equations of soil compaction employed on-the-go sensing. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 22(2), 26–32. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/208
Original Articles
Author Biography

Darina Lara Coba, Ing., Prof. Asistente,

Universidad de Granma, Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola, Granma.


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