Evolutionary State of Soil Properties Due to Land Use Change

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Violeta Llanes-Hernández
Alberto Hernández-Jiménez
Nelson Juan Martín-Alonso
José Obdulio Rodríguez-Farray


A study was carried out on the effect on chemical properties of soil with the cultivation of sugar cane (Saccharum officinals L.) as a monoculture for over 30 years and subsequently the establishment of various crops in soils of the Ferrálíco and Gleysol Groups, in the municipality of Nueva Paz, Mayabeque province, whose results were compared with standard profiles of these Groups, which have never been cultivated. Álvaro Reynoso cited by Humbert (1965) reported that in the last century, in the fertilization of sugar cane, ammonium nitrate was used as a mineral fertilizer, which has acidic characteristics, which led to the acidification of these soils and the washing of the bases. With the establishment of various crops (vegetables, grains, tubers) by farmers, where they have applied organic fertilizers, filter cake and rotation with livestock, the soils have suffered a resilience, both in pH, base content and in the organic carbon content of the soil, which resembles the properties of the standard profiles, where there has been no anthropic activity. In the soils of the Gleysol Groupings, poor drainage begins at 40 cm depth, however, the use of organic amendments has led to an improvement in the properties of soils from 0 - 40 cm and therefore a better crop yield.

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How to Cite
Llanes-Hernández, V., Hernández-Jiménez, A., Martín-Alonso, N. J., & Rodríguez-Farray, J. O. (2025). Evolutionary State of Soil Properties Due to Land Use Change. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 34, https://cu-id.com/2177/v34e07. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/2064
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