Treatment and Use of Pig Residual

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Carlos M. Martínez-Hernández
José A. Martínez-Olea
Luis Reyes-Hernández
Manuel Vázquez-Arellano


In the work different proposals were analyzed for the treatment of pig residual, starting from the analysis of the properties of the pigs effluents of a biodigestor located in "Ranchuelo "for their possible use as organic fertilizer; as well as their decontamination possibility. The effect decontaminant of a slow filter of sand was proven combined with the action of a aquatic plant called lettuce of water (Pistia stratiotes) before different dilutions to the effluent in common water. The following treatments were valued: T0 (not dilute), T1 (17%), T2 (14%), T3 (12.5%), T4 (11%) and T5 (10%). The different treatment proposals were valued before different variables. In the effluents, their physical-chemical and microbiology characteristics were determined, previous and later to their step for the bio filter and the oxidation lagoons. It took like indicative cultivation the corn (Zea mays), being evaluated their morphs-physiologic parameters. In most of the effluents, the microbial load could be reduced using the bio filter and its combination with valued oxidation lagoons, obtaining values below the Cuban norms. The analysis of the effluents like bio-fertilizer showed results referred to the germination percent that oscillated among a minimum of 33,3% (T2) and a maximum of 80% (T3) regarding the control TOc (46,6%). 

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How to Cite
Martínez-Hernández, C. M., Martínez-Olea, J. A., Reyes-Hernández, L., & Vázquez-Arellano, M. (2024). Treatment and Use of Pig Residual. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(4), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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