Biogas Plant Non-Typical. Fermentation with Solid Substrates

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Carlos M. Martínez Hernández
Hans Ochsner


The work refers to the use of a plant of non-typical biogas in Germany. The first one leaves it refers to the exploitation of biogas plants that it doesn’t use liquid substrates (pig or caw manure) in co-fermentation with agricultural materials in Germany to produce biogas. In this case, the principles and methods are described that are used in this country to exploit these facilities and their tendency toward the future. The second part of the part is about these same topics in the environment of Cuba. The third leave they discuss: if these systems are viable and would be possible to introduce in Cuba or in countries of the call “Third World”? This way, is the objective of the present work to disclose this type of technology of biogas production, which is carried out in this country and its feasibility of being introduced in the countries of the call “third world”. 

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How to Cite
Martínez Hernández, C. M., & Ochsner, H. (2024). Biogas Plant Non-Typical. Fermentation with Solid Substrates. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(3), Retrieved from
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